Employers - Happi

Preventive mental well-being is a competitive advantage.

Personalized mental health programs are based on personal video meetings that maximize benefits for both employees and employers. Cost-effective preventive mental health without queues.

Our service includes largest network of therapists, goal-oriented mental health programs, and carefully crafted service guidance, making it a safe choice for even tens of thousands of employees.

An employee's mental challenges are also challenges for the employer.

We keep employees happy and effective at work.

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How does it work?

Happi is an application through which employees can independently start a Help within agreed-upon boundaries. Helps are always goal-oriented, and effectiveness is measured and reported regularly. The extensive therapist resources and our expertise in service guidance within the Happi service ensure that organizations with thousands of employees can quickly access the service.

  • Simple contract with agreed limits of use
  • High-quality HR materials are distributed as is or with modifications
  • Eight different mental health programs with weekly video meetings with a therapist
  • Employees can start a program independently, without queueing
  • All communication via one app
  • Intro sessions can be included

The benefits our service provides

We aim to make accessing mental health services as easy and efficient as possible and have specifically invested in service guidance. It is well-known that the earlier employees engage with mental health services, the better the treatment outcomes, and workforce productivity increases. The accessibility, quality, and effectiveness of the service have been the primary reasons why Happi is chosen as the mental health partner.


Focus on work improves, and thoughts become clearer

Requested by employees

As many as 10% of employees use Happi services.

Value for money

Mental health programs based on video meetings maximize efficacy.

Providing proactive mental health care to employees is cost-effective for employers as well. Happi is the highest-quality mental health service on the market.

Our promise

Over 95% of employees and employers recommend our service. Quality is ensured through effective service guidance and certified professionals.

Easy initial utilization

HR will get quality materials for the initial introduction of use after which the employees will be capable of independent use. The service is applicable within a week.

Low maintenance

We report the degree of utilization and effectiveness monthly. No need to sign in to any portals.

Simple pricing

The costs are predictable. Invoicing is done once a month, based on accumulated data.

Would you like to hear more about our service?

Contact or call us +358407482078